Save the Bats and Spare Us Another Pandemic

Nighttime South Dakota Roadside/Gretchen N. Newberry

I have to admit I have been a little worried about bats in the past year or so of the pandemic. They seem like an easy target, what with their potential as a COVID-19 vector. Early on, I had a dream that I was a park ranger assigned to guard a bat roosting site. My job was to enlighten the populace about the bats’ place in our ecology and to steer would-be bat assassins away, but gently, with my words. I guess that’s a metaphor for what I am trying to do right now. I have written so much here on this blog about the value of insectivores, so please feel free to scroll away. In the meantime, there are folks out there (and elsewhere) trying to predict the next pandemic by sampling bat viruses from wild populations. Hopefully, that will encourage others to give bats a little breathing room.

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